Mummy has been trying to teach me to say Happy new yr complete with hand actions since last Sunday but I have refused to cooperate and just ignores her everytime she tries to teach me. Last evening however, when she came back from work, I decided to surprise mummy by saying Happy New Year and did the gong xi gong xi action. Mummy was so delighted!
I gave her a bigger surprise later when I chimed Happy New Year at her again, and followed up with "ang pau??" soon after I said Happy new Year! Ye ye, nai nai and mummy were hysterical.. and thot I must have picked up the ang pau phrase cos mummy has been telling me that I have to wish pp happy new year before I can get the ang pau!
I have also been pretty much a parrot recently, mimicking whatever I hear pp saying around me. 2 days ago, mummy was chatting with gu1 gu1 when she let slip an Oh my god.. before she knew it, I was chiming ohmigodohmigod.. mummy immediately had a knee jerk reaction where she said Oh S**T... luckily i was too busy chanting ohmigod and didnt catch on to the other phrase.. phew for mummy hehe.. Mummy vows to watch her language even more closely in front of me now. :P
I also went for my first LNT class (proper one, not trial) yesterday. Yeye and nai nai brought me and reported that I enjoyed the class and paid attention about 90% of the time and didnt run around! I also surprised sinseh at the end of the class when i chimed sayonara in response to her own goodbyes! However, I stubbornly refused to repeat performance more than once at home to Mummy's chagrin!