Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Samseng kia!!

That's me in my most samseng kia photo ever.. Mummy says I have a lot more samsengness inside me that she couldnt manage to capture on film, eg putting my foot up on the cross bar of the stroller, yawning LOUDLY, farting loudly, etc etc..

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Pretty in pink!

Mummy has gotten me a new hat from Old Navy.. only $4 after shipping! thats why she always shops online and most of my clothes are from overseas sprees (mummy says i only wear IMPORTED clothes - as if I am such a pampered baby.. but the truth is that these clothes are much cheaper and nicer than those from stores in sg!).

Nice?? Mummy carried me to the mirror to look at myself and I was soo captivated by my reflection that I squealed in joy and forgot that I actually do not like things to be on my head (this includes headbands, caps, any form of headgear)!

Notice my mouth? That's apparently my fav expression for the month - making my mouth look like it is one straight line.. mummy associates it with the fact that I am teething!