Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Today mummy brought me to Gogobambini ( a indoor playground for kids with cafe and stuff - check out website : ) to meet her friends from SMH forum! Thanks to Aunty Flo aka bcube who gave us a lift to the ulu (only cos mummy doesnt drive!) dempsey area! :)

from L--> R : Pretty Renee mei mei, ME!, and Ems mei mei (who can already crawl and stand with support btw!) all looking up entranced by Aunty Gillian's(aka Yolksac!)funny noises and antics.

p/s : Adrienne mei mei was also there.. but we missed her in the gp photo cos she was stuck like a koala bear to her mummy Aunty Tricia! Envy her pretty locks of hair though!

As you can see, I dont look too happy being submerged in a sea of balls!!

HEEELLLLP!!!! mummy take me out!!!

Me and tired looking mummy resting on the slide!