My fav ride of the day!
kiss kiss???
Kayden : No thanks.. but if u really really want to, you can have my cheek!
Pretty Roxanne mei mei
With AUnty Rina and Zevon didi
All I GOT for christmas is my 2 front teeth...
2 very blur looking babies (could it be due to us being born on the same day??)
Kayden didi buried under the balls!
THe only picture papa managed to get of me trying to climb through the window (very blur cos i move too fast ma!)
Today, mummy, yeye and nai nai brought me to gogobambini again cos the promotion (free entry for 2 yrs and below) ends 31 Aug! But I wasnt in too good a mood today, perhaps because i had no little friends to play with! As aunty jessica had previously brought shannen to play in the big kids play area before, mummy decided to let me try it out too. yuck! so dark, and everyone else is bigger than me! plus, its not a safe place either cos nai nai nearly fell down the long flight of steps!! gave mummy a heart attack! Dont think we will be coming back anytime soon. Mummy says : next trip : Fidgets with aunty jessica and shannen mei mei next wk!! yippee!!t