Mummy is obsessed with me not looking like a boy, and makes sure pp do not have any excuses to ask if i am a boy! thus, she keeps trying to make me wear hats (which i hate), headbands (which i also do not like), and pink stuff (well, cant possibly protest against that YET).
Ma ma bought me my first headband from kiddy palace b4 i was born.. cost 9 freaking dollars (in mummy's words).. so mummy was determined to squeeze my big head in by hook or by crook! first, mummy placed it around my FP drums to enlarge it. next, although the circumference of the stretched headband is smaller than my head, papa decided to just yank it onto my head. i cried bloody murder of cos, but soon got distracted by my toys!
Here is the result of the rather disastrous experiment that left quite a mark on my head - papa's fault!
Mummy says I look like a little sumo wrestler in this pic:
Go away and leave my FP drums alone! (papa cant believe it cost yeye and nainai 49 bucks! and is even more incredulous that they actually forked out so much for such a simple toy!)