Huh? You must be wondering how this is relevant to MY blog since I am obviously a June baby! well, mummy may have delivered in June, but she has been chatting in the July MTB thread in SMH forum since she was 7wks pregnant with moi! There have been 1-2 previous outings with the July mummies when we were all in our mummy's tum tums and some of mummy's closest friends now are from the forum, like Aunty R and Aunty E!
This time's outing was at Great World City, Say Cheezecake cafe! Attendance was great and I got to meet abt 20 other babies and mummies! This was also mummy's first time ever breastfeedng me in public - she said she got the courage to do so only cos she was surrounded by Aunty Yolksac, Aunty Cheok and Aunty lilac who were also feeding my little friends! Papa was the only thorn amongst the roses (or rather, the only grown up thorn, there were plenty of tiny thorns ard though) and the official photographer and videoman for the day!
Enough said, let the pictures speak for themselves!
Group photo! (no mean feat considering the size of the group!)
Ems(who is the angel of the group of JUly babies by the way), Aunty Yolksac, me and mummy! (Yes yes why do I look so grumpy when ems looks so cheery? I just woke up ma, you cant expect me to be smiling at the camera right?)