Thursday, June 28, 2007

Gong gong's 1st time with me!

Mummy was very happy today as it is the 1st time Gong Gong is seeing me since I was born! GOng GOng was quite sick before I was born and required admission and surgery. Now he is better and when he saw me for the 1st time, he grinned from ear to ear like a CHeshire cat!! Mummy says she never saw him look so happy before hehe.. wow I didnt know I'm so cute wor! :)

Friday, June 22, 2007

One week old only.. and hospitalised

Me at 1 wk old, sleeping in my (ex) favorite pink bouncer.. a gift from lao-ee and uncle. note my sleeping position.. papa calls it the tou2 xiang2 (surrender) position!
On 21 June 2007, Mummy and papa brought me to the polyclinic for my jaundice checks as scheduled.. while there, mummy noticed that my 4 limbs were jerking when i was fast asleep. this happened several times and alarmed papa and mummy. WHen I was brought in to see the dr, the dr also was kinda worried and referred us to the A&E for ? seizures/fits. Mummy was sooo worried she broke down and cried and cried. After discussion with yeye, nainai and papa, they decided to watch me at home first, as everyone except mummy thought that it was just startling which is common in newborns. The next day however, the jerks continued and were more marked.. spookily enough, the jerks only appeared when we stepped into Queenstown polyclinic. So scary!! In the end, papa and mummy decided to just bring me for a thorough check at NUH for peace of mind.
SOO.. I was readmitted into NUH barely 1 wk after i was discharged. Mummy very heart pain cos I was poked 4 times in a day - first time at polyclinic for jaundice, 2nd time at A&E for glucose level, 3rd and 4th time in ward 48 (waa this was PAINFUL man.. the HO poked my veins on my hand cos had to check my FBC, electrolytes,etc.. and she MISSED the 1st time!! mummy so angry!) luckily the blood tests came back normal.. except for my FBC which showed a high hematocrit, meaning that I was dehydrated. Dr advised mummy to supplement with some FM and pump out her BM to feed me so that I can wash out the bilirubin faster.. and mummy had no choice but to say ok. So that was the 1st time I tasted FM.. on 22/6/07.. eee.. I spit it all out the 1st time I tried.. not as nice as mummy's milk!! Mummy cried even harder when she saw me struggling and rejecting the FM cos she said she feels guilty for not being able to provide me all the BM I need. But the 2nd time onwards, I was ok liao!! THat day was also the 1st time mummy managed to pump out some milk.. and she was happy and proud of that!
Next day, I was seen by the paediatric neurologist and Dr Shek.. apparently my diagnosis was benign sleep myoclonus- a syndrome commonly seen in newborns. Mummy and papa were advised to swaddle me tightly and it should pass in no time. PHEW!!! Was promptly discharged home on 23 June 07 to mummy's relief.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

I finally arrive - my birth story!

Mummy and Papa say that I was always too anxious to see the world. From wk 19, I was triggering off painful BH and mummy had to take adalat to keep me in until term. And despite my mummy telling me again and again to come out on 26 June (papa and yeye counted the ba zhi and said this was a good date), I was naughty and came chonging out on 16 June! (hence ruining yeye and nainai's genting trip!).

Here is mummy's super duper chiong hei birth story!

16 june 2007

2am- went to bed as usual after talking nonsense with yolksac on forum (heheh)

4.45am- woke up with some painful BH (or what i thot were BH).. felt urge to poo so went to the toilet but nothing came out.

5.30am - cldnt sleep at all since BH were going on and on.. all were painful. but just wrote them off as BH/false labour since the interval was not decreasing.. kept having urge to poo again

5.45am- suddenly felt pantiliner very wet- went toilet and found pink show and whole liner soaked. decided it might be labour with burst waterbag and woke hb up.

6am- went to shower quickly (bad decision- contractions intensified to 1 in 5min in the toilet.. had to bathe REALLY REALLY fast) and packed the rest of my hosp bag. walked with hb slowly to main rd to get cab (refused to call a cab.. wanted to walk more so that my labour wld be shorter hehe)

6.30am - reached NUH. Lots of amniotic fluid gushed out the moment i lay down on the hosp bed. Checked by dr on call- already 5cm dilated to my horror!! was immediately given fleet enema.

6.45am - contractions got super painful after the enema.. was in tears and nearly biting off hb's hand. begged for epidural and bit into a towel with each contraction to tahan the pain

7.20am- anesthetist finally arrived.. just b4 he poked me, i suddenly felt like something was coming out!! Dr did VE again, and i was already 8cm dilated!!! decided to have the epidural anyway as the pain was just tooo bad to bear.

7.30am - epidural in.. WA.. complete BLISS man.. no pain at all!!!

10am - cervix 10cm dilated. epidural was tailed off so that i cld have the sensation to push while waiting for bb's head to descend more

10.50am - felt contractions again and urge to bear down. started to push.

11am- gyne arrived.. pushed a few more times and darling Xing-Yi aka TOTO finally popped out weighing in at 2.8kg!!!