What wonderful parents I have!! Fancy being brought overseas at the tender age of 4 months! That's why I was sooo excited when I heard that mummy is making me a passport.. cos why else would I need a passport for?? (see.. clever baby knows how to make clever associations hehehe)
I was absolutely thrilled to hear that we were headed for Batam for a 4D3N stay at Batam View Beach Resort. Apparently mummy had a big headache trying to pack my things.. had to bring my diapers (she took 30 pieces along!), lots of clothes, my swimming float, my new swimming costume, toys, bottles, sterilising tablets, breast pump, ice packs, milk bags, etc etc.. in the end, Papa, mummy, yeye and nai nai shared 1 cabin luggage, while my belongings were stuffed into another BIG luggage! imagine that!
Day 1 ( 10 Oct)Today is incidentally Papa and Mummy's 2nd wedding anniversary!! To think that last year this time they had no idea I was coming along to wreck their lives yet hyak hyak hyak.. well well, HAPPY 2nd ANNIVERSARY mummy and papa!!
unfortunately, poor mummy is sick today. she has fever and a bad throat.. She caught this bad bug from me. Sorry mummy.. but it ain't my fault you know.. I caught it from Uncle KS!! But thanks to mummy's liquid gold, my fever subsided within a day and I was fit as a fiddle the next day!
Here I am having a chat with Grandpa Zhou before we board the ferry for Batam. Yeye as usual is busy making sure the environment is conducive enough for me to sleep!
To mummy's relief, I sleep through the bumpy ferry ride. And before I know it, tadah... we are already at Batam!
As mummy and papa are too giam to fork out extra cash for a baby cot, they have planned to make me sleep on a small sofa next to the bed. Here I am frolicking happily before bedtime! Doesnt my new bed look cozy enough?
Dont I look like a pink eskimo?
Day 2 (11 Oct)Mummy decides to bring me to dip my toes in the pool..
And to her surprise, I actually smiled! (alas, mummy failed to capture it on cam..) next step moving forward
(moving forward?? what does that mean?? must be mummy writing too many papers and emails at work la..) would be to bring me for a proper dip in the pool!
That's me in my new swimming costume (cheap cheap buy from taka - only $9.90 nia!)
Enjoying my new float (mummy decided to get me this one with a cover so that I wont get too tanned since I am already rather blackish)
Swimming's fun!!! Too bad I was just recovering from flu, so I was only allowed to stay in the water for 10min.. Mummy has promised to bring me swimming again soon though.. I really really hope she keeps her promise!
Day 3 (12 Oct)We decide to go explore the rest of Batam.. went to Batam Mega Mall for some shopping. Papa and mummy only managed to buy medicines for me (bisolvon) and antibiotics for mummy since she was still having fever. I was also starting to have a bad cough again so we headed back to the hotel after lunch to rest some more. Mummy tried to feed me during lunch and got stared at by the waitresses!! poor mummy felt so paiseh!
Day 4 (13 Oct)Our last day in the hotel...
Firstly, we took pictures on our balcony where there were pretty bougainvillae plants!
Next stop was the small but clean beach where papa went crazy taking pictures again!
Papa and mummy in a rare photo alone together..
Sir Stamford Raffles the wannabe..
Last but not least, we went to the playground!!
Mummy brought me on the swing..
And on the slide.. (she sat me on her lap and we swooshed down the slide together! so fun!)
Crawling through the tunnel with mummy..who looks like she is having more fun than me (yawn..)
The gorgeous view from our hotel room (nice eh??)
Phew.. long post we have there. Soo tired and jet lagged now - hmm i think I shall go catch up on some sleep now! tadah!!