Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Samseng kia!!

That's me in my most samseng kia photo ever.. Mummy says I have a lot more samsengness inside me that she couldnt manage to capture on film, eg putting my foot up on the cross bar of the stroller, yawning LOUDLY, farting loudly, etc etc..

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Pretty in pink!

Mummy has gotten me a new hat from Old Navy.. only $4 after shipping! thats why she always shops online and most of my clothes are from overseas sprees (mummy says i only wear IMPORTED clothes - as if I am such a pampered baby.. but the truth is that these clothes are much cheaper and nicer than those from stores in sg!).

Nice?? Mummy carried me to the mirror to look at myself and I was soo captivated by my reflection that I squealed in joy and forgot that I actually do not like things to be on my head (this includes headbands, caps, any form of headgear)!

Notice my mouth? That's apparently my fav expression for the month - making my mouth look like it is one straight line.. mummy associates it with the fact that I am teething!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Cereal anyone??

Today mummy finally decided to give me my first taste of cereal (Healthy Times Brown rice cereal). Have waited a LOOOONG time.. and after much procrastinating on mummy's part + urging on papa's part, I finally got to eat something else other than milk at 5 mths 1 wk old!! Mummy was feeling guilty about not waiting till I am 6 mths before giving me my cereal, but gave in in the end cos I was showing all the signs of readiness for weaning (extreme interest in what papa/mummy are eating, decreased milk intake, ability to sit with minimal support).

anyway, the cereal was YUMMYYYY!!!! couldnt wait for mummy to scoop up the cereal and shovel it in.. so I decided to yell when she was slow!! Mummy was very scared that I would gag cos i kept lunging at the spoon and taking hold of the entire spoon. however, mummy gave me only 5-6 small spoons cos it is my 1st time eating cereal.. where got enough?? Of course, I showed my displeasure by screaming even louder when it finished.. hehe :P mummy was most pleased to see that I didnt push the food out with my tongue.. another sign that she didnt start me on cereal too early.

plan is to continue me on cereal till I am 6 mths old, then slowly intro vegs and fruits.

Here are some pics of me enjoying my FOOOOD...

Muummm mummmm....


Me and mama after my cereal

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Batam here I come!!

What wonderful parents I have!! Fancy being brought overseas at the tender age of 4 months! That's why I was sooo excited when I heard that mummy is making me a passport.. cos why else would I need a passport for?? (see.. clever baby knows how to make clever associations hehehe)

I was absolutely thrilled to hear that we were headed for Batam for a 4D3N stay at Batam View Beach Resort. Apparently mummy had a big headache trying to pack my things.. had to bring my diapers (she took 30 pieces along!), lots of clothes, my swimming float, my new swimming costume, toys, bottles, sterilising tablets, breast pump, ice packs, milk bags, etc etc.. in the end, Papa, mummy, yeye and nai nai shared 1 cabin luggage, while my belongings were stuffed into another BIG luggage! imagine that!

Day 1 ( 10 Oct)

Today is incidentally Papa and Mummy's 2nd wedding anniversary!! To think that last year this time they had no idea I was coming along to wreck their lives yet hyak hyak hyak.. well well, HAPPY 2nd ANNIVERSARY mummy and papa!!

unfortunately, poor mummy is sick today. she has fever and a bad throat.. She caught this bad bug from me. Sorry mummy.. but it ain't my fault you know.. I caught it from Uncle KS!! But thanks to mummy's liquid gold, my fever subsided within a day and I was fit as a fiddle the next day!

Here I am having a chat with Grandpa Zhou before we board the ferry for Batam. Yeye as usual is busy making sure the environment is conducive enough for me to sleep!

To mummy's relief, I sleep through the bumpy ferry ride. And before I know it, tadah... we are already at Batam!

As mummy and papa are too giam to fork out extra cash for a baby cot, they have planned to make me sleep on a small sofa next to the bed. Here I am frolicking happily before bedtime! Doesnt my new bed look cozy enough?

Dont I look like a pink eskimo?

Day 2 (11 Oct)

Mummy decides to bring me to dip my toes in the pool..

And to her surprise, I actually smiled! (alas, mummy failed to capture it on cam..) next step moving forward (moving forward?? what does that mean?? must be mummy writing too many papers and emails at work la..) would be to bring me for a proper dip in the pool!

That's me in my new swimming costume (cheap cheap buy from taka - only $9.90 nia!)

Enjoying my new float (mummy decided to get me this one with a cover so that I wont get too tanned since I am already rather blackish)

Swimming's fun!!! Too bad I was just recovering from flu, so I was only allowed to stay in the water for 10min.. Mummy has promised to bring me swimming again soon though.. I really really hope she keeps her promise!

Day 3 (12 Oct)

We decide to go explore the rest of Batam.. went to Batam Mega Mall for some shopping. Papa and mummy only managed to buy medicines for me (bisolvon) and antibiotics for mummy since she was still having fever. I was also starting to have a bad cough again so we headed back to the hotel after lunch to rest some more. Mummy tried to feed me during lunch and got stared at by the waitresses!! poor mummy felt so paiseh!

Day 4 (13 Oct)

Our last day in the hotel...

Firstly, we took pictures on our balcony where there were pretty bougainvillae plants!


Next stop was the small but clean beach where papa went crazy taking pictures again!

Papa and mummy in a rare photo alone together..

Sir Stamford Raffles the wannabe..

Last but not least, we went to the playground!!

Mummy brought me on the swing..

And on the slide.. (she sat me on her lap and we swooshed down the slide together! so fun!)

Crawling through the tunnel with mummy..who looks like she is having more fun than me (yawn..)

The gorgeous view from our hotel room (nice eh??)

Phew.. long post we have there. Soo tired and jet lagged now - hmm i think I shall go catch up on some sleep now! tadah!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Happy day!

Samseng kia!!

Happy baby!

Me and my best friend PIGLET!

Sunday, October 7, 2007


We had a family outing to Sentosa today! So exciting cos this is theoretically my first trip overseas (the body of water between Sg and sentosa also considered the sea right..)!

In the lift heading up the Cable Car tower for my first cable car ride!

Papa holding me up for a better view in the cable car

First stop : Underwater world!

Me and mummy

Looking eagerly into the small pond in Underwater world

Absolutely fascinated by the Nemos swimming around behind mummy. THis is also one of papa's fav pics of the day!

Yeye, nai nai and me

Mummy (singing) : Incey Wincey spider climbing up the spout
Papa (exasperated tone) : What spider??? thats a CRAB la!! (decides to carry me closer to show me exactly what a crab is)

Absolutely whacked after being overstimulated by fishes, crabs, what have you at underwater world

Our last and final stop was at Musical Fountain. I was a good girl and sat through the whole 40min show without fussing.. even enjoyed the laser show and fireworks that followed! Mummy and papa were so proud of me that they promised to bring me out more :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

My new playmat!

Papa says mummy really spends money like water.. mummy's defence is that she loves me a lot and wants the best for me that she can afford!

As evidence of how much she 'loves' me.. She went and ordered a new play mat for me!! its called the sweetbear bumper mat (from smallsmallworld on SMH forum).. and it costs a whopping $120 (original $169 so to mummy that's a GOOD deal!). Jiu Jiu partially sponsored this with his $88 angbao for my full month.. and mummy topped up the rest!

Here I am enjoying my playmat for the first time!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

My very own passport!

Imagine this.. a teeny weeny (ok maybe not so teeny weeny since I am at the 75th percentile for weight and height *blush*) baby of 4 mths has her very own passport! woohoo!!

Mummy took gazillion pics of me lying on my nappy cloth, while nai nai and ye ye tried desperately to make me smile by waving rattles, making faces, etc..

Here is the picture that they finally selected for my passport!

Roxanne visits!

Today Aunty E and Rox visited me at home! Rox is a very very punctual baby cos she was born on her EDD! It was a real nice day cos Aunty E and mummy munched on their subway sandwiches while me and rox played.. well, played SEPARATELY at least - with rox in my favorite bouncer being mesmerized by the mobile and me stuck in my boring old cot.

Mummy mummy why did you pull my pants so high?? I look so TOOT! This photo isnt nice!! I want it taken off my blog!
And nobody would guess that rox is just 2.5 wks younger than me boo hoo hoo..(makes me wanna go on a diet.. no more mummy's milk for me!! :(

And oh oh oh.. before I forget.. are you wondering what that bolster is doing between us? Mummy put it there to protect Rox mei mei's face/limbs/body/what have you. Apparently I tried to scratch Heng Heng Di Di's eyes and whack his face before.. where got?? I am such a demure little lady.. I would NEVER do that!

Mummy and Aunty E then decide its time for some tummy time!

Ready, get set, go!!

I'm winning I'm winning!! (actually I'm not winning.. rox mei mei just cant be bothered to partake in such childish competition)

All fall down!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Toto and the pillowcase

see what papa did to me again?

Monday, September 24, 2007

Visiting Heng Heng

Today I visited Heng Heng for the first time since he was born. He is 2 mths younger than me and Aunty Wan Sian gave birth to him on August 13 at KKWCH. he is sooo different from me - has a lot more hair, more well behaved, and much fairer, eyes are bigger, longer eyelashes.. the list goes on!!

see.. he is so tall!! 2 mths younger and same height!! or am i short?? hmmm...

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Born in July?

Huh? You must be wondering how this is relevant to MY blog since I am obviously a June baby! well, mummy may have delivered in June, but she has been chatting in the July MTB thread in SMH forum since she was 7wks pregnant with moi! There have been 1-2 previous outings with the July mummies when we were all in our mummy's tum tums and some of mummy's closest friends now are from the forum, like Aunty R and Aunty E!

This time's outing was at Great World City, Say Cheezecake cafe! Attendance was great and I got to meet abt 20 other babies and mummies! This was also mummy's first time ever breastfeedng me in public - she said she got the courage to do so only cos she was surrounded by Aunty Yolksac, Aunty Cheok and Aunty lilac who were also feeding my little friends! Papa was the only thorn amongst the roses (or rather, the only grown up thorn, there were plenty of tiny thorns ard though) and the official photographer and videoman for the day!

Enough said, let the pictures speak for themselves!

Group photo! (no mean feat considering the size of the group!)

Ems(who is the angel of the group of JUly babies by the way), Aunty Yolksac, me and mummy! (Yes yes why do I look so grumpy when ems looks so cheery? I just woke up ma, you cant expect me to be smiling at the camera right?)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

toto and the ball

Mummy and papa bought me a new ball from tom and stephanies!! i love it!! only thing though.. papa has an irritating habit of disturbing me when i'm trying to catch a few winks.. so what he did this time..

grrr... why cant u leave me to sleep in peace??

Mummy the wonderful camerawoman! smile from me despite mummy's antics

finally! mummy says i always camera shy cos i'll smile and laugh whenever she talks to me, then once i see the camera lens pointed in my direction, i'll just stare unsmilingly at it! mummy is also very gek cos she hasnt got a pic with me smiling yet..

Monday, September 17, 2007

Mooncake festival at Clarke Quay/Central

Papa and mummy decided to let me see my first lanterns so we headed to clarke quay to see the lanterns displayed at the mooncake festival!

happy family!

yeye, nainai and me

mummy and me - notice the cute purple carters bib i'm wearing! its one of mummy's fav!!

what's papa up to again??

ohh.. he is trying to make me look like i am emerging from the lotus! (yup yup.. mummy was the one taking the photo, thats why the effect papa wanted isnt very convincing hehe)

another nice little family photo.. wa the light so bright.. must keep my eyes closed!! (actually i'm sleeping la!! tired already!)